Preventative maintenance extends the life of your car, truck, or SUV, which is why we offer our customers the best preventative maintenance services in town. You want the most out of your investment. So does the team at Collins Auto Care. Keeping your car, truck, or SUV in tiptop shape will get you your money’s worth and more. Make certain you keep your vehicle maintained per the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you need preventative maintenance in Houston, TX, you need Collins Auto Care.
Preventative Maintenance Houston TX
Remember the excitement you felt when you drove your brand new automobile off the dealer’s lot? Preventative maintenance keeps your vehicle in that like-new condition. As parts wear down, they damage other parts, which is why preventative maintenance saves you money in the long run. The sooner one part is replaced the less chance it has of ruining additional automotive parts.
Imagine life without car payments. If you bought your car and are currently paying it off, preventative maintenance can help keep running efficiently throughout your contract and well into your ownership years. If you lease your vehicle, you have a preventative maintenance schedule which you must stick to, as maintenance is usually part of the lease obligation. We can help with that.
Preventative Maintenance Services
When it comes to maintaining your car, truck, or SUV, nobody takes responsibility more seriously than we do. Our preventative maintenance services include
- Belt replacement
- Brake inspection and service
- Fluid replacement
- Hose replacement
- Mileage milestone services
- Oil changes
- Radiator service
- Tire rotation and balancing
- Transmission service
These are just some of the things we do to ensure your vehicle always runs at its best. You age your vehicle prematurely if you don’t stick to its preventative maintenance schedule, and, as we said above, you also run the risk of damaging the engine if you fail to keep it maintained. Avoid expensive repair costs by maintaining your vehicle so we can catch things before they become problems.
Mileage Milestones
In the back of your vehicle’s owner’s manual is its preventative maintenance schedule. This schedule includes the mileage milestones of each service. In other words, you should have your oil changed every 3,000 miles, your tires rotated every 6,000 miles, and so on. It will also list the services that need to be done at 15,000, 30,000, 60,000, 75,000, and 100,000 miles, and we do those services, too.
Preventative Maintenance Near Me
Your doctor may have told you that prevention is the best medicine and this is true with vehicles, too. The better you are about preventative maintenance the more miles you’ll get out of your automobile. Collins Auto Care in Houston, TX, is here for all your maintenance and service needs. Call us today to schedule an appointment.